Perks and Resources

Loyal companies benefit from access to a number of perks and resources.
If you would like to contribute to the list please reach out to Jose at

What is it?

Square Fare offers personalized nutrition services to anyone in Manhattan and Williamsburg, New York. The service provides daily SMS messages with tailored lunch and dinner recommendations to you to help you hit your health and fitness goals. Simply reply "lunch" and we'll get it delivered to you or ordered for pickup.

What's the deal?

1-week free trial with an introductory offer of $7.99 / month + 25% off your first month with code LOYAL after the free trial. Reach out for corporate rates:

How do I get it?

Sign up at and input LOYAL at checkout.

Click here to apply.


Additional Information

Types of plan Square Fare has in place for your health and fitness goals:Lose WeightGain Muscle MassPrediabetesAllergiesEnergy Boostand More!